Support to Families
Each day in the United States over 15 workers are lost due to a work related incidents. Hundreds more succumbed to occupation illnesses and diseases. We know and understand the devastation which takes place in the mind, body and soul and we strive to help them from having to go through both the grieving process and investigative process alone. It's important that they know they are not alone.
USMWF strives to research and connect with thousands of family member victims that have been directly affected by a work related incident, illness or disease offering them support, guidance, resources to find the many answers to the questions one has after such an incident to receive the closure they so deserve. Connecting with Families
USMWF has created a resource for families to connect with other families across the United States offering support, guidance and resource through all stages of grief.
If you have been directly affected by a workplace incident, illness or disease we invite you to connect today at with other families that know and understand what you are going through. Sponsor A Voice In DC
With the sponsorships of many USMWF each year invites a group of family member victims to join us in Washington, DC to share their loved one's incident with their Representatives and many other important entities gaining attention to current issues and concerns in the workforce.
The average cost per family member is approximately $1,200.00. We have added several sponsorship options, every little bit helps the families fight the good fight, gaining awareness to workplace safety and turning something so negative into something positive. You can show your support by either a one time donation or year round with very little effort? Every donation means so much. |
After a tragic, unexpected work incident often times families have many unanswered questions and they do not know where to go to find those answers. USMWF has created a one stop shop for families to go to as a resource to find the answers and receive the closure you deserve.
Turning Negative Into Positive
Our families become the voice of change and by sharing their loved one's incident with the public we hope to be the next conversation at the dinner table gaining a connection between our loved one's and the "it can happen to you" factor of workplace incidents, illnesses and diseases ultimate preventing similar incidents from occurring.